“I am an Archangel of protection. I can assist you in times of fear, distress, loss or threat and can protect you from any form of spiritual or physical attack. God’s light shines through me illuminating everything in white light and this brings out all truth into the light. Nothing can hide from me including all lower forms of energy and darkness. I can come to you at the speed of light and I can deliver you from all danger at the speed of light. You may ask me for protection and for my Legions of Light (what we might think of as armies of light filled Heavenly Angels) to assist. Your distractions are in the form of screens in this time. All screens can be used to distract human beings and cause them to be in affect spiritually dead. God speaks to those who listen so it is in the quiet undistracted places where you will hear God’s voice. You must ask for my assistance and you must ask all Heavenly Angels of Light for their assistance. I have the ability to cut all ties, chords, chains and roots of all distractions that are harmful, toxic and poisonous to humans and all life. The old ways of thinking and doing things that are either a distraction or that no longer serve you need to be completely uprooted and out of you so that you are flowing and moving freely physically and mentally without any resistance, blockages or obstacles. All life on the planet is under my protection. My sword of light can cut ties and chains of anything that enslaves you and my sword of light can pull out by the root anything out of you instantly including addictions, fears, old habits, substance problems, and any other problem that you may encounter. You need continuous protection from all fear. The human ego gets involved with your fear and this sets your fear into motion and causes you to be filled with distractions and chase after the wrong desires that can only give your flesh instant but non-lasting gratification. Live in your open heart. I am here to assist you and all life in the letting go of all fear because this is no longer necessary. I assist those who ask me in freeing you from everything that may block you, hold you, distract you, threaten you, potentially enslave you or keep you stuck. I along with all of the Archangels have the power and authority to assist you in the complete and total removal of ALL fear.”
When Michael is present I always see a burst or ribbon of cobalt blue/white and sometimes gold light around me. I will add that Michael is the first Archangel that assisted me in one of my first healing session; Michael is a gentle yet powerful healing angel with the precision of the best surgeon on the planet and wonderful bedside manner.