“I can give you the secrets of Heaven and teach you spiritual laws and truths. I can help you promote the psychic within you to see the past, the present and the future. As you learn about the spiritual laws you will find that your notion of time and space will become different. The scientist within all humans will be marvel and be amazed at what is possible and the scientist in me will be amazed at what I will be shown in the next few months (Raziel wasn’t kidding). Heavenly and earthly laws are very different and we need to be trained how to get from our minds into our hearts putting our ego aside. I Raziel am considered to be wise and full of God’s light as many of Heaven’s secrets have been revealed to me and you may ask me to reveal them to you to be used for the highest good of all. Calm the mind and its chatter and move your energy from your mind to your heart. Lapis Lazuli is a part of my color frequency ray and this color frequency calms unnecessary brain activity. When you are filled with worry, anxiety and fear it causes great damage to your body, your brain and your adrenal glands. It is important to balance the overactive mind and under active movement (current) in the body. An overactive mind taxes the organs of the body. My energy frequency can assist you in draining and relieving your worries, tensions and fears. As you are learning the heart space is very important—the heart is a switch in the center of the body and if open and flowing correctly there is motion, current and balance. I Raziel can balance the human bodies current and balance the overactive and the under active. Learn to not put any of your limits on yourself or others, no strings, no demands instead give everyone chances and your unconditional love without judgement. I can also assist you in the interpretation of your dreams if you ask for my assistance I can help you understand the meanings of your dreams. I wish to assist you in a deeper understanding of the Heavenly realms but to do so you must be free of your ego. Being completely free in your mind and more specifically free of fear in your mind and your distractions is very important so that you can begin to understand the Heavenly realms. In Heaven there is no such thing as fear or worry or distraction—this is a very different concept for humans living in the earthly realm to understand. Fear is very controlling and puts all kinds of limits on creative space and it puts humans into roles that you don’t belong in (some of these come ancestrally). The distractions of the mind keep most from being totally free. If you stay in the present moment in your heart free of distractions you can see time in all its dimensions past, present and future. Keep your entire being in an open position and you will flow in the current in the river of life. Uriel, Zadkiel and I love to assist humans in their thought forms and mental aspect of their being—we have been assisting men and women on the planet for thousands of your earth years. Use your breath to take you out of your anxiety of the mind and breath out your anxiety your worry and your doubts and most importantly breath out your fears. Your breath will take you out of your ego and into your Divine Purpose. If you have no fear and your heart is open then you are flowing in freedom!”


When Raziel is present I see a deep indigo blue color flash before me and when I work with Raziel and have noticed that I see dragonflies when I feel Raziel’s presence (even to the point of dragonflies coming into my house when I am meditating or doing healing session). Uriel, Raziel and Zadkiel often come in a group of three and see to enjoy working together.