“I am the Archangel that rules over thought and I am a transition angel that assist you from being only in your body to being your Highest Self doing your highest calling and your highest purpose. It is normal to ask for physical healings first so that you can focus on the healing of your mind so that you can be clear in thought. Mental, emotional and psychological healing is as important as physical healing. Uriel, Raziel and I are here to assist you in the realms of the mind. Once you get past the physical and mental healings you are then free to see how things truly are without any judgments. Freedom means no strings, no doubts, no worries and no fear! Freedom comes when humans let go of all fear regarding their bodies and minds. All of the Archangels have our own personalities and our own gifts to share with you and all humans if you ask us. We Archangels work together in harmony and can merge with you in groups. We know everything about humans individually including your dreams, fears, desires, past, present and futures. We wish to assist you in all freedom and in the letting go of all fear.” I Zadkiel can assist you in your psychic abilities and can bring you clarity and focus in how you see time.”


When working with Zadkiel I see a deep purple color of light and feel energy above my head or crown area. Some have said that Uriel, Raziel and Zadkiel were the three wise men that came to see Jesus after his birth.