I started with asking this question: What is it right now that You meaning God, Jesus, Heavenly Angels and specifically the Archangels want me to know? Her I am. The answer I received. Redirect all of your energy towards the heavenly realms towards God and to the Heavenly Angels of Light and towards your highest calling which was given to you as a child a very long time ago. You have always had healing gifts and now have an opportunity to use and practice them every day. Ask for guidance every day with every step with every decision you make and ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find all the answers to all questions especially in the realms of healings, forgiveness, counseling and teaching. Keep doing what you are doing but realize that you are now waking up from a long deep sleep and now it is time to direct your focus and concentrate your energy on Heaven and on peace keeping and take care of yourself in every way possible. Taking care of yourself includes getting enough rest, eating healthy living food and clean clear water, working in your job as a teacher and exercising your body. Pray, pray, pray and ask, ask, ask seek and keep reading the correct books that you will be guided to in the next few years. Train your mind to engage in the highest ways of thinking. Surround yourself with the highest people in their fields—men and women are lined up for you and will be coming your way like a river that is growing more powerful each day it is already flowing to you now.
Humility is a key for you now, work is a key for you now (the work on taking care of yourself), prayer is a key for you now. Timing and the correct circumstances are on the way for you so that you may have complete and absolute freedom in all the ways that you are seeking it. Aim higher, set yourself apart from your distractions! Distractions function energetically at a lower level and you do not need them any more you haven’t needed them for a long time. It is the time to purge, prune, re-examine everything, throw out anything that is in the way of love, kindness, gentleness, peacemaking and humility because you need all of these things in your Divine Purpose. Purify and sanctify yourself while taking a deep look at what is working and only do that. Put on blinders focus and run towards the prize.